
Break Free from Sheet Music: Learn to Play the Piano Freely

Break Free from Sheet Music: Learn to Play the Piano Freely

Here at Piano Picnic, we believe in teaching adults to play the piano freely, without the constraints of traditional sheet music.

With our step-by-step curriculum of 2-minute lessons, even total beginners can quickly unlock their musical potential and embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery. Join us as we explore the vibrant world of Piano Picnic and learn to play it like you mean it!

Am I too old to start playing piano? [Student story]

Am I too old to start playing piano? [Student story]

With so many pianists starting their journey in childhood, it can feel like as adult beginners that we’ve missed the boat already. Is learning something new best left to the young? I talk to one of my students, Mike Clarke–a retired engineer in Australia–about his experience.