Make your chords come ALIVE!

Chords sounding a little undead? In this free live training you’ll learn tricks to turn your chords into heavenly treats!

Almost anyone can play a simple block chord, but it’s the creativity we use to play a chord in different ways that really gives piano music its vibe!

In this video I’ll demonstrate 4 ways to add life to your chords using rhythm (‘the clave’), the ‘suspicious’ 2nd and 4th suspended chords and breaking up the notes of your chords into different groupings!

watch the video to learn these four ways to add life to your chords!

Want to learn more about chording & comping?

I have a 1-hour intensive coaching replay available in the members area! Perfect for pianists developing lead sheet reading ability, developing your improv, or making your own piano arrangements!

Perhaps now is the time to become the creative pianist you’ve always wanted to be!

Become a Creative Pianist member today! (includes all courses, tutorials, live coaching & other goodies!) Get access today!

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