Improve your ear-playing skills and STOP the key-stabbing!

Improve your ear-playing skills and STOP the key-stabbing!

Put away the finger-daggers and stop randomly stabbing at keys!

Playing by ear is a skill (not a lottery!). When you learn more about this particular topic you'll be able to make intelligent choices (rather than random guesses) at what you hear.

5 Tips for Songwriting on Piano!

5 Tips for Songwriting on Piano!

When I studied at University for my music degree, I was taught from the get-go that everything there is in music to do, has already been done.

Like the saying, “there’s nothing new under the sun” – though we get excited about people putting a new twist on an idea, there is a distinct lack of completely original ideas these days.

End your struggle with chords!

End your struggle with chords!

Have you come across a lead sheet or jamming on a chord progression and you realise that you can't, for the life of you, remember what those chords are anymore? I call it ‘chord amnesia’, when we forget chords all. the. dang. time!

Unleash your creativity at the keys!

Unleash your creativity at the keys!

If you want to unleash your creativity at the keys you want to do all of those things and more, then you need to learn more about chords and their jobs than you currently know!